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We are pleased to introduce you to Slinky, our featured pet for December. He is a recently diagnosed diabetic, but that really hasn’t slowed him down! Here’s Slinky’s story:

It seems that I’ve been selected as pet of the month for December at the East Atlanta Animal Clinic. I’m also told that I need to tell you something about myself. It all began over fourteen years ago when my mother, Mama Cat,  showed up on Jewell and Barbara Mote’s doorstep, hungry and alone.  After a can of tuna and a survey of the property–four acres, wildlife, woods, a pond–she decided to turn Jewell and Barbara into cat people.  Despite their best efforts, Jewell and Barbara couldn’t resist after my two sisters and I showed up in short order. I think they couldn’t get over the fact that we were all polydactyl. In case you’re wondering, that means we had extra toes. It looks like we are wearing mittens. Check out my photos.

Eventually, there was only me.  I spent my days chasing chipmunks, helping Jewell in the garden, climbing, and generally living a happy life in the country. When Jewel died in 2001, my true calling was revealed to me. I was meant to take care of Barbara. I did this by distracting her. I hid. I refused to come in at night. I had her let me in, let me out, let me in, let me out–you get the idea. I sent her on a never-ending search for food I that I might actually want to eat. And at night, I snuggled with her while we watched Dancing with the Stars and Downton Abbey.

Then in 2012 Barbara was diagnosed with a fatal illness. Again it fell to me to take care of her. I kept her company and I was always the final vote on whether her caregivers were employed beyond their probationary period. If I didn’t like them or they didn’t like me, they didn’t stay. It was an important job. I also took advantage of that time to put Joan and James and the rest of the family through a rigorous training program. When it was time to move in with Joan and James I already had them pretty well trained.

The first day I lived with them I played hide and seek so well (or they played so poorly) that James and Joan had made a missing cat poster. I got a chuckle out of that one. For the last year and a half I’ve been keeping James and Joan company here in the city.  I enjoy sleeping on the sun porch, sleeping in the closet,  sleeping in James’ lap while he’s typing on his computer, and sleeping next to them while they watch TV.

I want to make a shout-out to Dr. Dunnings and all the staff at the East Atlanta Animal Clinic. I’ve spent a lot of time with them recently and they take very good care of me.

– Slinky, as told to owner Joan

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