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Meet some of the cutest little Dachshunds around, and April’s featured pets, Chloe & Cooper!

Hi, I’m Chloe and this is my big brother Cooper! We have been patients at East Atlanta Animal Clinic since we were 8 weeks old.

We are both long haired dachshunds (or wiener dogs as some people call us). Cooper is 6 and I’m 5 and we live with our Mom and Dad in Grant Park. Our favorite things to do include long walks in the park, hanging out on the porch and snuggling.

Our typical day includes waking up and having breakfast followed by our mid morning nap. Since our mom works from home most of the time, we sleep through lots of conference calls and webinars during the day. We also take shifts sitting by the window watching the world go by and alerting our mom in case anything happens. Some people probably think we are very noisy, but we are really just letting them know we are here! We get really excited when Dad comes home and if it’s nice outside we go for a walk. Then we have our dinner and wind down cuddling on the couch before we go to bed. Our parents tell us all the time that we are spoiled. We’re not sure what that means but we sure do have a great life!

We stay healthy by visiting East Atlanta Animal Clinic for our routine check ups and sometimes if we aren’t feeling well.
We appreciate the staff at EAAC so much for taking very good care of us and always making us feel special!

Thanks for having us in the newsletter – see you around!!

– Chloe and Cooper Campbell (as told to their mom, Tori)


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