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Hi! My name is Buttercup, and this sweet but crazy pup is my sister, Saige. Saige and I are both a year and a half old. My family adopted Saige first, in July 2014. Although they knew when they adopted Saige that they would eventually adopt a kitten as well, they didn’t realize QUITE how energetic a puppy Saige was until she’d been home for a few weeks. Once they realized this, they knew that their future kitten would have to be able to keep up with this goofy puppy who didn’t (and still doesn’t) fully understand the concept of boundaries. When my mom met me last August, she knew I was the perfect kitten for the family! I was sweet and loving, but also inquisitive and unafraid. And get this – the Humane Society named me Buttercup, which reminded my family of one of their very favorite movies, The Princess Bride. It was definitely meant to be!

Since that time, I have become an invaluable member of my family. I adore all of them, even Saige, and am particularly skilled at both keeping my mom warm at night and snuggling with the young humans when they don’t feel well. I also believe it’s part of my job to keep Saige on her toes. I never let her misbehave around me (meaning that she is NOT allowed to chase or eat me), and occasionally, even when she’s behaving beautifully, I enjoy taking a swat at her nose. Someone needs to make sure she’s paying attention. In addition to all of these skills, I am a fierce and cunning predator of Q-tips. I like to rustle them out of their home and chase them around the house.

I am honored to be an EAAC Pet of the Month, and am extremely happy that Dr. Ringstrom is my veterinarian. Although I am always a little nervous when I go to the vet, it helps that I’ve heard stories from my family about the amazing care that everyone at EAAC provided to the two dog and three cat brothers my family had before Saige and me. I never had the chance to meet those brothers, but my family still talks about them quite a bit, and I know that EAAC took good care of them for many happy and healthy years. EAAC was also there for them in a big way when times were harder. I love knowing that I will get the same wonderful care.

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